Harmony provides access to services that can transform data from NASA's Earth Observing Systems Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC). Transformations can be requested using one of two Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) inspired APIs.
Data processed by Harmony is staged in AWS S3 buckets owned by NASA or optionally in user owned S3 buckets. Harmony provides signed URLs or temporary access credentials to users for data staged in NASA S3 buckets.
Data transformation requests are executed as jobs in Harmony. Harmony provides the ability for users to monitor and interact with long-running jobs, both programmatically through an API and via a web-based user interface.
This document describes the APIs and endpoints Harmony provides. You can use these APIs and endpoints to directly interact with Harmony, but the recommended official way to interact with Harmony is through Harmony-Py.
This documentation covers the following:
All users will need an Earthdata Login (EDL) account in order to access NASA data and services. Once a user has an EDL username and password they will need to use these when accessing Harmony. They can be used directly in a browser request (the browser will prompt for them), in another client like curl, or in code.
For curl
or in code the easiest approach is to place your EDL credentials in a .netrc file.
A sample .netrc
file looks like this
machine urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login my-edl-user-name password my-edl-password
Example 2 - Sample .netrc file
Make sure that this file is only readable by the current user or you will receive an error stating "netrc access too permissive."
$ chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
Example 3 - Setting permissions on the .netrc file (Unix/macOS)
Alternatively users can generate an EDL bearer token directly and pass this to Harmony using an Authorization: Bearer
Use the -n
flag to use your .netrc
file with curl
. You will
also need to pass the -L
flag (to handle the redirect from Harmony to EDL and back) and
the -b
and -j
flags to properly handle cookies used during the authentication.
curl -Lnbj https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/C1234208438-POCLOUD/ogc-api-coverages/1.0.0/collections/bathymetry/coverage/rangeset
Example 4 - Curl flags to handle EDL authentication when using a .netrc file
To work directly with a bearer token from EDL you can use an Authorization: Bearer my-bearer-token
header as follows:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <my-bearer-token>" https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/C1234208438-POCLOUD/ogc-api-coverages/1.0.0/collections/bathymetry/coverage/rangeset
Example 5 - Using a bearer token with curl
The following Python example uses the netrc
, request
, and cookiejar
libraries to set up authentication with EDL.
No error handling is included in this example.
import netrc
from urllib import request, parse
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
def setup_earthdata_login_auth(endpoint):
Set up the request library so that it authenticates against the given Earthdata Login
endpoint and is able to track cookies between requests. This uses the .netrc file.
username, _, password = netrc.netrc().authenticators(endpoint)
manager = request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
manager.add_password(None, endpoint, username, password)
auth = request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(manager)
jar = CookieJar()
processor = request.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar)
opener = request.build_opener(auth, processor)
Example 6 - Authenticating in python
The username
and password
can also be set directly instead of using a .netrc
There is significant boiler-plate code involved in connecting to Harmony that can be avoided
by using the harmony-py library. The equivalent code
using harmony-py
(when using a .netrc
file) can be as simple as
from harmony import Client
harmony_client = Client() # defaults to Harmony production endpoint
Example 7 - Using harmony-py
to create a client with .netrc
EDL authentication
provides many other conveniences when using Harmony services. For these reasons
is the suggested way to access Harmony in code. For complete details see the
This section provides an introduction to the Harmony service APIs for launching services for collections using OGC Coverages API, OGC EDR API, or WMS.
Each API requires a CMR collection concept ID or short name, and transformations can be performed using one of the following endpoints ({collectionId} and {variable} are placeholders):
Example 8 - OGC Coverages endpoint
Example 9 - OGC EDR cube endpoint
Example 10 - OGC EDR area endpoint
Example 11 - WMS endpoint
The primary Harmony services REST API conforms to the OGC Coverages API version 1.0.0. As such it accepts parameters in the URL path as well as query parameters.
parameter | description |
collection | (required) This is the NASA EOSDIS collection or data product. There are two options for inputting a collection of interest: 1. Provide a concept ID, which is an ID provided in the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) metadata 2. Use the data product short name, e.g. SENTINEL-1_INTERFEROGRAMS. Must be URL encoded. |
variable | (required) Names or concept ids of the UMM-Var variables to be retrieved, or "all" to retrieve all variables. Multiple variables may be retrieved by separating them with a comma. The psuedo-variable "parameter_vars" may be used, in which case the variables are specified using the variable query parameter or variable form data parameter. This is useful if you need to subset using many variables. |
Table 1 - Harmony OGC Coverages API URL path (required) parameters
parameter | description |
subset | get a subset of the coverage by slicing or trimming along one axis. Harmony supports the axes "lat" and "lon" for spatial subsetting, and "time" for temporal, regardless of the names of those axes in the data files. Harmony also supports arbitrary dimension names for subsetting on numeric ranges for that dimension. |
outputCrs | reproject the output coverage to the given CRS. Recognizes CRS types that can be |
interpolation | specify the interpolation method used during reprojection and scaling |
scaleExtent | scale the resulting coverage along one axis to a given extent |
scaleSize | scale the resulting coverage along one axis to a given size |
concatenate | requests results to be concatenated into a single result |
granuleId | the CMR Granule ID for the granule which should be retrieved |
granuleName | passed to the CMR search as the readable_granule_name parameter. Supports * and ? wildcards for multiple and single character matches. Wildcards can be used any place in the name, but leading wildcards are discouraged as they require a lot of resources for the underlying search |
grid | the name of the output grid to use for regridding requests. The name must match the UMM |
point | only collections that have a geometry that contains a spatial point are selected. The spatial point is provided as two numbers: * Longitude, coordinate axis 1 * Latitude, coordinate axis 2 The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS84 longitude/latitude. |
width | number of columns to return in the output coverage |
height | number of rows to return in the output coverage |
forceAsync | if "true", override the default API behavior and always treat the request as asynchronous |
format | the mime-type of the output format to return |
label | the label(s) to add for the job that runs the request. Multiple labels can be specified as a comma-separated list. A label can contain any characters except for commas up to a 255 character limit. Labels will be rejected if deemed inappropriate. Labels are always converted to lower case. |
maxResults | limits the number of input files processed in the request |
skipPreview | if "true", override the default API behavior and never auto-pause jobs |
ignoreErrors | if "true", continue processing a request to completion even if some items fail. If "false" immediately fail the request. Defaults to true |
destinationUrl | destination url specified by the client; currently only s3 link urls are supported (e.g. s3://my-bucket-name/mypath) and will result in the job being run asynchronously |
variable | the variable(s) to be used for variable subsetting. Multiple variables can be specified as a comma-separated list. This parameter is only used if the url variable path element is "parameter_vars" |
average | requests the data to be averaged over either time or area |
Table 2 - Harmony OGC Coverages API query parameters
requests the body should be multipart/form-data
and may also contain
: perform a shapefile subsetting request on a supported collection by passing the path to a GeoJSON file (*.json or .geojson), an ESRI Shapefile (.zip or .shz), or a kml file (.kml) as the "shape" parameterA sample OGC Coverages request is as follows
curl -Lnbj "https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/C1234208438-POCLOUD/ogc-api-coverages/1.0.0/collections/bathymetry/coverage/rangeset?maxResults=1"
Example 12 - Curl command for an OGC Coverages request
The Harmony services REST API also conforms to the OGC EDR API version 1.1.0.
As such it accepts parameters in the URL path as well as query parameters.
Currently only the /position
, /cube
, /trajectory
and /area
routes are supported for spatial subsetting. Other EDR routes will be supported in the future.
parameter | description |
collection | (required) This is the NASA EOSDIS collection or data product. There are two options for inputting a collection of interest: 1. Provide a concept ID, which is an ID provided in the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) metadata 2. Use the data product short name, e.g. SENTINEL-1_INTERFEROGRAMS. Must be URL encoded. |
Table 3 - Harmony OGC EDR API URL path (required) parameters
parameter | description |
z | Define the vertical levels to return data from. The value will override any vertical values defined in the BBOX query parameter. A range to return data for all levels between and including 2 defined levels i.e. z=minimum value/maximum value. For instance if all values between and including 10m and 100m z=10/100 A list of height values can be specified, i.e. z=value1,value2,value3. For instance if values at 2m, 10m and 80m are required z=2,10,80 An Arithmetic sequence using Recurring height intervals, the difference is the number of recurrences is defined at the start and the amount to increment the height by is defined at the end, i.e. z=Rn/min height/height interval. So if the request was for 20 height levels 50m apart starting at 100m: z=R20/100/50 When not specified data from all available heights SHOULD be returned |
datetime | Either a date-time or an interval. Date and time expressions adhere to RFC 3339. Intervals may be bounded or half-bounded (double-dots at start or end). Examples: * A date-time: "2018-02-12T23:20:50Z" * A bounded interval: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/2018-03-18T12:31:12Z" * Half-bounded intervals: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/.." or "../2018-03-18T12:31:12Z" Only resources that have a temporal property that intersects the value of datetime are selected. If a feature has multiple temporal properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single temporal property is used to determine the extent or all relevant temporal properties. |
parameter-name | Names or concept ids of the UMM-Var variables to be retrieved. Without parameter-name or a value of "all" to retrieve all variables. Multiple variables may be retrieved by separating them with a comma. |
crs | reproject the output coverage to the given CRS. Recognizes CRS types that can be |
f | the mime-type of the output format to return |
Table 4 - Harmony OGC EDR API query parameters common to all spatial subsetting routes
parameter | description |
concatenate | requests results to be concatenated into a single result |
forceAsync | if "true", override the default API behavior and always treat the request as asynchronous |
destinationUrl | destination url specified by the client; currently only s3 link urls are supported (e.g. s3://my-bucket-name/mypath) and will result in the job being run asynchronously |
granuleId | the CMR Granule ID for the granule which should be retrieved |
granuleName | passed to the CMR search as the readable_granule_name parameter. Supports * and ? wildcards for multiple and single character matches. Wildcards can be used any place in the name, but leading wildcards are discouraged as they require a lot of resources for the underlying search |
grid | the name of the output grid to use for regridding requests. The name must match the UMM |
ignoreErrors | if "true", continue processing a request to completion even if some items fail. If "false" immediately fail the request. Defaults to true |
interpolation | specify the interpolation method used during reprojection and scaling |
label | the label(s) to add for the job that runs the request. Multiple labels can be specified as a comma-separated list. A label can contain any characters up to a 255 character limit, but if a label contains commas the request can only be a POST with with the label field in the body. It is best practice to avoid commas in labels. Labels will be rejected if deemed inappropriate. Labels are always converted to lower case. |
maxResults | limits the number of input files processed in the request |
scaleExtent | scale the resulting coverage along one axis to a given extent |
scaleSize | scale the resulting coverage along one axis to a given size |
skipPreview | if "true", override the default API behavior and never auto-pause jobs |
subset | get a subset of the coverage by slicing or trimming along one axis. Harmony supports arbitrary dimension names for subsetting on numeric ranges for that dimension. |
height | number of rows to return in the output coverage |
width | number of columns to return in the output coverage |
average | requests the data to be averaged over either time or area |
Table 5 - Harmony extended parameters for all OGC EDR API routes
parameter | description |
bbox | The bounding box is provided as four or six numbers, depending on whether the coordinate reference system includes a vertical axis (height or depth): * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1 * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2 * Minimum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional) * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1 * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2 * Maximum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional) The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS 84 longitude/latitude (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84) unless a different coordinate reference system is specified in the parameter bbox-crs. For WGS 84 longitude/latitude the values are in most cases the sequence of minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude. However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian the first value (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge). If the vertical axis is included, the third and the sixth number are the bottom and the top of the 3-dimensional bounding box. If a feature has multiple spatial geometry properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single spatial geometry property is used to determine the extent or all relevant geometries. |
Table 6 - OGC EDR API cube parameters
A sample OGC EDR cube request is as follows
curl -Lnbj "https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/ogc-api-edr/1.1.0/collections/C1234208438-POCLOUD/cube?maxResults=1&bbox=-140,20,-50,60" -o output
Example 13 - Curl command for an OGC EDR cube request
parameter | description |
coords | (required) A Well Known Text (WKT) POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON string. Coordinates MUST be in counter-clockwise order. |
Table 7 - OGC EDR API area parameters
A sample OGC EDR area request is as follows
curl -Lnbj "https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/ogc-api-edr/1.1.0/collections/C1234208438-POCLOUD/area?maxResults=1¶meter-name=all&coords=POLYGON%20%28%28-65.390625%20-13.239945%2C%20-29.882813%20-50.958427%2C%2017.929688%2030.145127%2C%20-65.390625%20-13.239945%29%29" -o output
Example 14 - Curl command for an OGC EDR area request
parameter | description |
coords | (required) A Well Known Text (WKT) POINT or MULTIPOINT string. |
Table 8 - OGC EDR API position parameters
A sample OGC EDR position request is as follows
curl -Lnbj "https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/ogc-api-edr/1.1.0/collections/C1234208438-POCLOUD/position?maxResults=1¶meter-name=all&coords=POINT%20(-40%2010)" -o output
Example 15 - Curl command for an OGC EDR position request
parameter | description |
coords | (required) A Well Known Text (WKT) LINESTRING or MULTILINESTRING string. |
Table 9 - OGC EDR API trajectory parameters
A sample OGC EDR trajectory request is as follows
curl -Lnbj "https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/ogc-api-edr/1.1.0/collections/C1234208438-POCLOUD/trajectory?maxResults=1¶meter-name=all&coords=LINESTRING(-40%2010%2C%2030%2010)" -o output
Example 16 - Curl command for an OGC EDR trajectory request
Harmony provides an implementation of the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) API version 1.3.0. Harmony only supports the GetCapabilities
and GetMap
The API uses both URL path and query parameters.
parameter | required | description |
collection | Y | this parameter is the same as the collection parameter described in the OGC Coverages API above. |
Table 10 - Harmony WMS API URL path (required) parameters
parameter | required | description |
service | Y | the service for the request. Must be equal to 'WMS' |
version | Y | the WMS version to use. Must be equal to '1.3.0' |
request | Y | the action being requested. Valid values are GetCapabilities and GetMap |
Table 11 - Required query parameters for both GetCapabilities
and GetMap
parameter | required | description |
layers | Y | comma-separated list of layer names to display on map |
bbox | Y | the bounding box for the map as comma separated values in WSEN order |
crs | Y | Spatial Reference System for map output. Value is in form EPSG:nnn |
format | Y | output format mime-type |
styles | Y | Styles in which layers are to be rendered. Value is a comma-separated list of style names, or empty if default styling is required. Style names may be empty in the list, to use default layer styling. |
width | Y | width in pixels of the output |
height | Y | height in pixels of the output |
bgcolor | N | Background color for the map image. Value is in the form RRGGBB. Default is FFFFFF (white). |
exceptions | N | Format in which to report exceptions. Default value is application/vnd.ogc.se_xml |
transparent | N | whether the output background should be transparent (true or false ). default is false |
Table 12 - Standard WMS query parameters for GetMap
parameter | required | description |
dpi | N | the dots-per-inch (DPI) resolution for image output |
map_resolution | N | the DPI resolution for image output |
granuleId | N | the CMR Granule ID for the granule of interest |
granuleName | N | passed to the CMR search as the readable_granule_name parameter. Supports * and ? wildcards for multiple and single character matches. Wildcards can be used any place in the name, but leading wildcards are discouraged as they require a lot of resources for the underlying search |
Table 13 - Additional (non-OGC) query parameters for Harmony WMS queries
requests return an XML document, while GetMap
requests return an image.
Harmony requests are declarative rather than imperative, so a request specifies the particular data of interest, time range of interest, spatial bounds of interest, desired output format, etc. Harmony then matches this declaration against available services and invokes the matching services on behalf of the user. All of which is to say the user does not request specific services directly. Despite this, it can be useful for a user to know what services are available, what their capabilities are, and which services can work together.
Harmony services run in containers in pods in a Kubernetes cluster. It is not possible for users to interact directly with these pods, but it may be useful to know some of the details about the running versions. The specific docker image and tag for each service can be retrieved from the versions route.
The following tables provide an overview of the deployed services with a description of each and what capabilities they provide.
Name: harmony/download
Service that performs no processing, it only returns download links for all of the matched granules from the CMR.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/netcdf,application/x-netcdf4 |
N | N | N | N | N |
Name: giovanni-time-series-adapter
A service to compose the Giovanni URL for a time series and invoke Giovanni service to produce output file to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data without having to download the data.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | text/csv |
N | N | Y | Y | N |
Name: podaac/l2-subsetter
Implementation of the L2 swath subsetter based on python, xarray and netcdf4.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/netcdf,application/x-netcdf4 |
Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Name: podaac/concise
Service capabale of "concatenating" multiple netCDF files into a single netCDF files. The resulting file has an extra dimension with size equal to the number of input files where each slice in that dimension corresponds to the data from one of the inputs.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | DEFAULT | N | application/netcdf,application/x-netcdf4 |
N | N | N | N | N |
Name: podaac/l2-subsetter-concise
Service capabale of "concatenating" multiple netCDF files into a single netCDF files. The resulting file has an extra dimension with size equal to the number of input files where each slice in that dimension corresponds to the data from one of the inputs.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | DEFAULT | N | application/netcdf,application/x-netcdf4 |
Y | N | Y | Y | N |
Name: sds/trajectory-subsetter
A service that supports L2 segmented trajectory (not swath) data. Currently uses the same C++ binary as is on-premises in SDPS, to offer variable, temporal, bounding box spatial and polygon spatial subsetting. This subsetter also ensures valid segment indices and sizes following transformation.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/x-hdf |
Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Name: sds/HOSS-geographic
A service that currently supports L3/L4 geographically gridded collections, offering variable, temporal, named dimension, bounding box spatial and shape file spatial subsetting.
Accesses NetCDF-4 files hosted in Hyrax cloud service (OPeNDAP), and retrieves the requested list of variables, plus all those that are required to support meaningful downstream operations upon those data (e.g. associated coordinate variables).
This service is currently operated from the same Docker image as the sds/variable-subsetter service.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/netcdf,application/x-netcdf4 |
Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Name: sds/HOSS-projection-gridded
A service that currently supports L3/L4 projection-gridded collections, offering variable, temporal, named dimension, bounding box spatial and shape file spatial subsetting.
Accesses NetCDF-4 files hosted in Hyrax cloud service (OPeNDAP), and retrieves the requested list of variables, plus all those that are required to support meaningful downstream operations upon those data (e.g. associated coordinate variables).
This service is currently operated from the same Docker image as the sds/variable-subsetter service.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/netcdf,application/x-netcdf4 |
Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Name: ldds/subset-band-name
Subset by Band and Name service capable of subsetting HDF4/HDF-EOS2 SDS variables by name and band.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/x-hdf |
N | N | N | Y | Y |
Name: ldds/geoloco
Service capable of reprojecting, resampling, regridding, and spatial and SDS subsetting HDF4/HDF-EOS2 SDS variables. The wrapper also retrieves the geolocation file name from the input file Core Metadata and downloads it from S3. Works with L1B-L4 granules (L1B and L2 granule SDSs are automatically regridded with default setting granule resolution and geographic projection).
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/x-hdf |
Y | N | N | Y | Y |
Name: sds/HyBIG
The Harmony Browse Image Generator (HyBIG) supports the conversion of GeoTIFF inputs to Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) compatible PNG or JPEG outputs. This includes, where necessary, conversion to a GIBS supported Coordinate Reference System (CRS). Other projections can be requested, but will not be compatible with GIBS.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | image/png,image/jpeg |
N | N | N | Y | N |
Name: l2-subsetter-batchee-stitchee-concise
Chained Service of the L2-subsetter, Batchee, STITCHEE, and CONCISE services. Additional documentation here.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | Y | N | application/netcdf4 |
Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Name: net2cog
Converts NetCDF files to COG. Includes extension for running in NASA Harmony. https://github.com/podaac/net2cog
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | image/tiff |
N | N | N | Y | N |
Name: asf/opera-rtc-s1-browse
Service that generates GIBS-compliant browse imagery for the OPERA_L2_RTC-S1 collection
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | image/png |
N | N | N | N | N |
Name: nasa/harmony-gdal-adapter
Service translating Harmony operations to GDAL commands. Supports spatial bounding box, temporal, variable, and shapefile, reprojection, and output to NetCDF4 or COG. Operates on input file types supported by GDAL (most EOSDIS data). Most operations assume L3 data, though it is likely that some work on L2.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | application/x-netcdf4,image/tiff |
Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Name: harmony/netcdf-to-zarr
Converts NetCDF4 files to the Zarr format as faithfully as possible, preserving metadata. The service attempts to optimize chunking in both time and space via heuristic algorithm in the output Zarr store.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | Y | N | application/x-zarr |
N | N | N | N | N |
Name: harmony/service-example
Reference service that can be used to perform most operations supported by Harmony. Useful for testing new API features end-to-end on example data but not meant for production use.
Capabilities | |||||||
subsetting | concatenation | reprojection | output formats | ||||
bounding box | shape | temporal | variable | multiple variable | N | N | image/tiff,image/png,image/gif |
Y | N | N | Y | Y |
Users may store Harmony output directly in their own S3 buckets by specifying the bucket/path
in their requests with the destinationUrl
parameter. For example
Example 17 - Request to store output in user owned S3 bucket
would place the output in s3://my-example-bucket
. Note that the value of destinationUrl
must be a full S3 path and
must be URL encoded.
Four things are required to enable Harmony to write to your bucket.
.Numbers three and four on the list can be accomplished by setting an appropriate bucket policy.
You can obtain a bucket policy for your bucket using the policy generator at
https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/staging-bucket-policy and passing in the bucketPath
query parameter. For example
The bucketPath
parameter can be one of the following
The third option is compatible with the destinationUrl
parameter for requests.
Bucket names must conform to the AWS bucket naming rules. The path must conform to the AWS object key naming guidelines. Characters listed under "Characters to Avoid" are not supported.
A sample policy generated by the endpoint is shown below:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "write permission",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"
"Sid": "get bucket location permission",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
"Action": "s3:GetBucketLocation",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket"
Example 18 - Sample bucket policy to enable writing Harmony output
All of the public endpoints for Harmony users other than the OGC Coverages, EDR, and WMS APIs are listed in the following table. The Coverages and WMS APIs are described in the Using the Service APIs section.
route | description |
/ | The Harmony landing page |
/capabilities | Get harmony capabilities for the provided collection |
/cloud-access | Generates AWS credentials for accessing processed data in S3 |
/docs | These documentation pages |
/docs/api | The Swagger documentation for the OGC Coverages API |
/jobs | The jobs API for getting job status, pausing/continuing/canceling jobs |
/stac | The API for retrieving STAC catalog and catalog items for processed data |
/staging-bucket-policy | The policy generator for external (user) bucket storage |
/versions | Returns JSON indicating the image and tag each deployed service is running |
/service-image-tag | The API for managing service image tags/versions |
/workflow-ui | The Workflow UI for monitoring and interacting with running jobs |
Table 14 - Harmony routes other than OGC Coverages and WMS
Returns information related to what Harmony operations are supported for a given collection in JSON format. The collection can be identified by either collection concept id or short name.
Either collectionId
or shortName
must be provided.
parameter | description |
collectionId | Concept id of the collection to retrieve capabilities for |
shortName | Short name of the collection to retrieve capabilities for |
version | (optional) The version of the capabilities result format, currently only 1 or 2 is supported. |
Table 15 - Harmony capabilities endpoint parameters
The returned JSON response will have the configured capabilities in Harmony for the given collection in terms of supported features (e.g. variable subsetting, boundingbox subsetting, concatenation, reprojection, etc.), the output formats, the list of Harmony services that are applicable for the collection, the list of variables that are associated with the collection and the version of the capabilites result format. See below for the root level fields in the capabilites response and their descriptions:
field | description |
conceptId | Concept id of the collection |
shortName | Short name of the collection |
variableSubset | (boolean) True if variable subsetting is supported by any of the Harmony services for the collection. |
bboxSubset | (boolean) True if bounding box subsetting is supported by any of the Harmony services for the collection. |
shapeSubset | (boolean) True if shape file subsetting is supported by any of the Harmony services for the collection. |
concatenate | (boolean) True if concatenation is supported by any of the Harmony services for the collection. |
reproject | (boolean) True if reprojection is supported by any of the Harmony services for the collection. |
outputFormats | A list of supported output formats for the collection. |
services | A list of JSON objects describing the supported Harmony services for the collection. |
variables | A list of JSON objects describing the associated variables of the collection. |
capabilitiesVersion | The version of the capabilities result format. |
Table 16 - Harmony capabilities endpoint response fields
Example 19 - Getting Harmony capabilities for a given collection by collection concept id
Example 20 - Getting Harmony capabilities for a given collection by collection short name
Jobs can be monitored using the jobs API as well as with the Workflow-UI web application.
There are two set of jobs API endpoints with the same sub paths and parameters: one with path jobs
to view and control the current user's own jobs; the other with admin/jobs
path to view and control all users' jobs if the current user has admin permission to do so. For simplicity, we will only list the ones for regular user below.
Example 21 - Getting the user's list of jobs using the jobs
Returns the list of Harmony jobs submitted by the user. By default, 10 jobs are returned in the response. User can use the paging query parameters to page through the whole result set or/and change the number of jobs that will be returned in each page.
parameter | description |
page | Current page number |
limit | Number of jobs in each page |
label | Filters jobs to those which include at least one of the labels specified. Multiple labels can be specified using a comma-separated list. |
Table 17 - Harmony jobs endpoint parameters
The returned JSON response will list the total number of jobs that belong to the user, details of the jobs on the current page and links to traverse to the previous, next, first or last pages of the result set:
field | description |
count | Total number of jobs |
jobs | A list of JSON objects with fields describe the job in details. For details, see job status response. |
links | A list of links to traverse to the previous, next, first or last pages of the result set. |
Table 18 - Harmony jobs response fields
Get details for a given job.
Example 22 - Getting job status
The returned JSON response list the details of the given job:
field | description |
username | Username that owns the job |
status | Status of the job |
message | Processing message of the job |
progress | Percentage of the job processing progress. 100 for a job that has been processed completely. |
createdAt | Timestamp when the job was submitted to Harmony |
updatedAt | Timestamp when the job was last updated in Harmony |
dataExpiration | Timestamp when the result data of the job will be cleaned up from Harmony |
links | A list of JSON objects with links to STAC catalog and result data of the job |
request | The original request url of the job |
numInputGranules | number of input granules in the job |
jobID | ID of the job in Harmony |
Table 19 - Harmony job response fields
User can pause a job with the following API call. The returned response is the same as the job status response with the job status as paused
Example 23 - Pausing a running job
User can resume a paused job with the following API call. The returned response is the same as the job status response with the job status as running
Example 24 - Resuming a paused job
User can cancel a job with the following API call. The returned response is the same as the job status response with the job status as canceled
Example 25 - Canceling a running job
Jobs involving many granules will by default pause automatically after the first few granules are processed. This allows the user to examine the output to make sure things look right before waiting for the entire job to complete. If things looks good, the user can resume the paused job, if not they can cancel the paused job.
Note: The current threshold in this environment for the number of granules that will trigger automatic pausing of a job is 300.
If a user wishes to skip this step they can pass the skipPreview
flag mentioned in the
Services API section, or they can tell an already running job
to skip the preview using the following:
Example 26 - Skipping the preview on a many-granule job
Labels can be applied to a job when a Harmony request is made using the label
parameter documented
in the Services API section. After a request is made the labels can be viewed in the
job status page and in the workflow-ui.
Labels can be added to existing jobs by the job owner using an HTTP PUT request and specifying the job IDs and labels in the body of the PUT. An EDL bearer token must be provided and a Content-Type: application/json
header. A curl
example that adds two labels to two different jobs follows:
curl -bj https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/labels -XPUT -d '{"jobID": ["<YOUR FIRST JOB ID>", "<YOUR SECOND JOB ID>"], "label": ["foo", "bar"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: bearer <YOUR BEARER TOKEN>"
Similarly, labels can be removed from one or more jobs using an HTTP DELETE:
curl -bj https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/labels -XDELETE -d '{"jobID": ["<YOUR FIRST JOB ID>", "<YOUR SECOND JOB ID>"], "label": ["foo"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: bearer <YOUR BEARER TOKEN>"
Harmony uses STAC catalog to provide input and output, and communicate between services. The following endpoints provides access to the output STAC catalog and catalog items of a finished job.
Example 27 - Getting the STAC catalog of a single job
The <item-index>
is the index of the STAC catalog item within the job's output STAC catalog. It starts at 0.
Example 28 - Getting the STAC catalog item within a job's STAC catalog
Harmony supports analysis in place without forcing a user to download the outputs from their requests. The results for each harmony request are stored in an AWS S3 bucket in the us-west-2 region. In order to access these results natively in S3, the user can get temporary AWS access credentials using the harmony cloud-access endpoints. Note that data can only be accessed from within the us-west-2 region.
Example 29 - Getting AWS S3 access credentials as JSON using the cloud-access
The returned JSON response returns fields required to set the AWS S3 access credentials:
field | description |
AccessKeyId | The AWS access key ID. |
SecretAccessKey | The AWS secret access key. |
SessionToken | The AWS session token associated with the access keys. |
Expiration | The date and time when the access credentials expire. |
Table 20 - Harmony cloud-access response fields
Example 30 - Getting a shell script that can be sourced to set AWS S3 credentials
Using the versions
endpoint, a user can get a list of all of the docker images and versions used in harmony backend service chains. Service providers use this endpoint to verify the versions of their services deployed to an environment.
Example 31 - Getting backend service versions using the versions
The returned JSON response is an array of service version information with the following fields:
field | description |
name | The name of the backend service chain as defined in services.yml. |
images | An array of the images used in the service chain. |
Each image has the following fields:
field | description |
image | The name of the docker image. |
tag | The docker image tag. |
lastUpdated | (optional) The time the image was last updated if available. |
imageDigest | (optional) The image digest if available. |
Table 21 - Harmony versions response fields